Rock-pool is dangerous

I wish to draw to the attention of your readers and of course Gosford Council the dangerous access to MacMasters Beach rock-pool.

The access steps end a couple of metres above the water – depending on the tide. So older locals frequently have to use their hands on the rocks to get stable access to and from the pool. The access is a danger to older swimmers as well as to families with very young children.

It also discriminates against a neighbour of mine who has vision impairment. Many who use our rock-pool are week-ender families and tourists and Gosford Council wants to revive the dying tourism industry on the Coast. Gosford Council has done a magnifi cent stabilisation job on the waterfront at Terrigal Haven.

Why is Gosford Council so slow and not using the same big blocks of sandstone to fi x the access to Mac’s rock-pool? Building a small “shed” of national park-style toilets at the rock-pool would also be a stroke of genius.

Email, Dec 10, 2015
Ian Crook, MacMasters