Public meeting called to discuss ATO office on waterfront

The site of the former Gosford Public School

The No Tax on Gosford Waterfront community facebook network is holding a public meeting to discuss community objections to the tax office being built on Gosford waterfront, at the Gosford.

The purpose of the public meeting is to determine the level of community feeling about the ATO and to determine what further steps can be taken.

The network was started by local business women and Saratoga residents, Ms Claire Braund and Angelique Perak, in response to the Federal Government’s announcement that it was going to build accommodation for the Australian Taxation Office on part of the site of the former Gosford Public School.

“The key issue for us was the total inappropriateness of placing a government office tower on our waterfront precinct,” Ms Braund said.

“Gosford Council’s excellent masterplan for the city outlines mixed use development of commercial, retail, residential and community facilities for a vibrant and active waterfront,” she said.

“Nowhere does it mention government bunker style offices which will be deserted from 5:00pm and on weekends.”

Ms Braund said the decision took many in the community by surprise, in particular as a civic and cultural hub had been mooted for the waterfront and it was unclear as to how this would proceed once the ATO occupied the back end of the prime site. Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting from 6:00pm for 6:30pm.

Media release,
Oct 31, 2015
Clare Braund, No Tax on
Gosford Waterfront