Central Coast Leagues Club undertaking $6.5m renovations

The $6.5m renovations to the Central Coast Leagues Club in Dane Dve, Gosford, are progressing well, according to the club’s marketing manager, Ms Pauline Boyd.
“The whole ground floor of the club is under renovation and it is a big job being done in a small space of time,” Ms Boyd said.
The Scenic Lounge has been recarpeted and part of a new gaming lounge will be opened within the next three weeks which will include a new outdoor area, she said.
Upgrades also include a new lounge bar, upgraded bistro and café and a new sports bar.
“The renovation will result in a real separation of experience centres, so if someone wants to have a quiet drink on a Thursday or Friday night, they will not be disturbed by those members and guests who want to enjoy live music.
“We will have new partition doors for larger events on the ground floor, so patrons will have better enjoyment of our facilities and won’t be disturbed by promotions,” she said.
The club’s ground floor bistro and café are now operated by club staff rather than contracted to a third-party operator.
Ms Boyd said she expected the whole of the Phase 1 redevelopment of the ground floor to be complete by November.

Interview, Jun 7
Pauline Boyd, Central Coast Leagues Club
Jackie Pearson, journalist