Call for community members to consider standing for election

Letters to the editor

I ’m sure I don’t need to remind readers of this newspaper of the importance of local issues to the quality of life in the Central Coast Local Government Area.

Every edition provides concrete evidence that it is local issues which have the most impact on our day to day lives, and which help build a strong, healthy community. That’s why I’m issuing this call for potential candidates of every age, gender and political allegiance to consider standing for council when nominations open on July 31. Our sector has moved a long way beyond the hackneyed old “roads, rates and rubbish”. Local government employs 50,000 staff across the state, and has an annual spend of $10 billion. That means that modern councillors are not only representing their communities, but working together within a board-like structure to help govern multimillion dollar operations.

That’s why we need top quality councillors from a wide variety of backgrounds, who are able to not only serve as the voice of their communities, but operate at the strategic level to help deliver the fi rst-rate services and infrastructure that communities need. I’m writing today to urge anyone interested in contributing to the strength and growth of this state, to consider standing for election when 46 councils go to the polls on September 9.

Nominations open to prospective candidates on July 31 and close on August 9, so there is no time to waste. Local government is one of the most direct, logical and practical paths to help improve the quality of life in any community – and we need men and women who are up to the job ahead. I invite you to contact your local council to find out what’s involved; many are actually running pre-election briefi ngs for potential candidates in conjunction with the sector’s peak body Local Government NSW, of which I am an elected director. The best possible candidates means the best possible representation – and that means the real winners will be the people of the local community, and of NSW as a whole.

Email, Jul 18 Ray Harty, Local Government