Waterfront is being turned into a parking lot

Letter to the editor

Whilst the Doma Group’s Mr Gavin Edgar may well argue the zoning and use of the Baker St extension across Gosford City Park to Vaughan Ave (‘”Lucy’s Lane” is a gazetted public road’, CCN November 17, 2016), it should be remembered that this unformed public road was intended for use as a pedestrian boulevard linking the Gosford CBD to the arts and entertainment precinct and waterfront under the Our City, Our Vision Masterplan (2010).

After widespread community and stakeholder consultation in its preparation, The Masterplan was adopted by Gosford City Council. Somehow this boulevard is now being developed as a two-lane public road with parking either side, and some of the street parking has been ‘allocated’ to accommodate offi ce building parking spaces that should have been provided within the building design. How has this been allowed to happen? The waterfront is being turned into a parking lot. The Liberal Member for Robertson, Ms Lucy Wicks, and the NSW Government have a lot to answer for with the illogical location of the Tax Offi ce and NSW Finance offi ce building on the former school site.

Email, Nov 25, 2016 Enn Karm, Gosford