Holy Cross dancers through to Wakakirri Finals

Holy Cross Catholic School’s Wakakirri group has made it through to the Wakakirri Finals after their performance on Friday, September 5, at the Riverside Theatre in Parramatta.

Wakakirri is a dance competition for primary school students in which they have seven minutes to perform a dance piece that tells a story. Holy Cross Catholic School, Kincumber acting assistant principal Mr Chris Franklin said that the students and teachers had been extremely busy preparing their performance since the early days of the first term, with multiple practices held during lunch breaks every week. “Forty-eight students from Years 5 and 6 composed their performance under the guidance of talented and very dedicated teachers,” said Mr Franklin. The school’s performance of True Colours told a story of how students can band together to take the power away from bullies. “I was impressed and inspired by the quality of their performance on the big stage,” said Mr Franklin. “Their dedication and hard work in rehearsals paid off with a professional performance that was of such high quality that the judges took time to find and compliment the teachers at the end of the evening.” At the conclusion of the performances, awards were given out to individual schools. “We were very proud to see Holy Cross receive the premier award for The Best School in Public, for their cooperation, attitude and manners over the duration of the day at the theatre,” said Mr Franklin.

Newsletter, 2 Sep 2014
MaryAnne Diorio, Holy
Cross Catholic School